Friday, April 25, 2008

In the Still of the Night Pt. 1

"Hide in that corner! No, not that one, this one! Here, let me show you!"

Massive, massive points to the Society for putting up quite a scare-fest down at the block.

We were first forced to watch 'Sisters', then 'Shutter'. Sisters was alright.


(No, stop pulling that lock of hair from the ceiling! No, you're gonna get us all - WHY ARE YOU STILL DOING THAT?!)

The last time I laughed that hard was during Ju-On. (AWWWWW itty-bitty boy's adorabl- ARGH GHOST GHOST GHOST)

Shutter was terrifying shit. It remains one of the reasons why I don't like using mirrors or cameras. That's my excuse for being camera-shy, because I'm trying to curb narcissism.


Did I mention that both shows were the Thai versions? Good f*cking lord.

Midnight soon struck - And, ah, it was time for a nice relaxing walk through the FMS block, the same one built on an ex-cemetery. On hindsight, which part of Singapore -didn't- have something dead buried in it?

Groups were formed, and the OGLs did not allow us to carry ectoplasmic weaponary.

With every group member forced to complete at least a single station all alone, our 'challenge' was to look for clues in a murder case. It doesn't help that the 'murdered' has a fantastic sense of humour. So here you have blatent irony as she plays ping-pong with our poor hearts, while we're trying to -help- her.

So we proceeded to our first station.


No, not yet.

We had two guys and four girls. 3-5 with a male and female OGL.

First station was an individual one. Everyone drew lots - numbered 'one' to 'six'. The one who got number 'seven' shat bricks. As probability would have it, a girl got numba one. A quick exchange later, the other guy went into the long corrider room-thing. Blindfolded.

He had to listen for guiding sounds, like chains, moans, and other supernatural noises. Instructions were to get to the other end by -feeling- your way through. Guy took chair and bulldozed his way through. Long story short, ghost gave up and relinquished the first clues. Looks like chairs are fatal to ghosts.

- - - - -

OGL warned of scare ambushes. We prepared for it.


Lights flickered at the FMS lobby, and the first scare (IT WAS BEHIND THE PILLAR WASN'T IT?) sent the girls screaming into the dark abyss of the night. That sparked off a chain effect - The guys got quite a shock too (read: screamed like little girls).

I recovered from the shock quickly, and was in the midst of laughing it off when another one scared me shitless a few seconds later.

They were going for combos.

- - - - -

There were three elevators one could take to the ninth floor, where the second station would be located. The seniors somehow managed to short out the other two, forcing us to take the remaining one. No walkin' up the stairs - Rules are rules.

Okay, sure. Let's go up, then. The faster we hurry, the faster we can get this over and done with.

It was a different story when the elevator finally arrived though.

"I'm not going in there."

"You have to, it's the only way up."


Reason: There was a hanging, bloodied head smack right in the middle of the damn contraption.

The guys took the lead and entered. My itchy fingers touched the... football? The paper mache was slimy and wet. Girls screamed in.

Only one button was lit. The rest of the buttons were covered with obituaries. Actually, the entire lift was. That's -alot- of dead people. The menacing whirring of the lift as it proceeded up didn't make things any better, as the head threatened to hit anyone who was foolish enough to stand too close to it.

Ol' head in the elevator trick never fails to scare anyone.

Everyone looked down and tried to compose their nerves for the rest of the night.

The night was still so very young.

Donovan did it again @ 10:07 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

FMS is a Happy Camper


- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Editor's Notes:

Wow, this -is- a shit post.

Oh come on, cut me some slack - I wrote this piece of rubbish after days of crap-sleep.

Do I get points for spontaneity?

No? Damnit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hurrah, new school.

Hurrah, new beginning.

Hurrah, homework!


I missed the Freshmen Orientation Camp - No more vacancies, they say. :(

At least I made it for the Film and Media Studies (FMS) camp. ;)

Hurrah, new people!

The last few days have been a blur - I'm half dead now from the lack of sleep, as with all camps.

Ice-breakers weren't half bad - Met cool, cool people. Thrown into SUPERHEROES. Sub-group SUPERMAN.

We're totally the strongest of them all. X-ray vision, super-human strength, and tight crimson underwear. Uh-huh.

Props to the Mass Dance too. Pretty well choreographed. Food isn't half bad, it was actually decent!

(And at this point of time, I seem to be giving a review. Monologues are not fun.)

Amazing race had Superman bonding pretty well - We laughed, we cheered, we broke a nail.

Oh. My. Gawd. I think I need a manicure - The sun, I swear, is ruining my gorgeous hair!

No, not that way.


I also like the night-walk! But I'll talk more about it next time round.

Off to bed.


Donovan did it again @ 9:32 AM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What now?

"Save point."

Applications have fallen through, and guess what?

I'm officially a Ngee Ann Polytechnic Mass Communication student, rumoured to be the best media-related course for Singapore tertiary education.

It's hard to believe it when one has gone through hell and high water to obtain the dreaded Singpass in order to be eligible for the Joint Application Exercise for polytechnics.

Maybe it was over-kill when I sent in applications for both JAE -and- JPSAE. I admit, DAE too. I blame it on Singaporean culture, and insecurities on my O'level score. I mean, I'm a JC dropout after all. Maybe I'm older, wiser, or even tougher - But I was a quitter.

And I promise myself right here and now, this will be first and last time that I ever do.

Scout's honour.

I'm glad that I've gotten another chance.

Relieved, to say the least, really. I'm finally pursuing my dreams as a media-related student.

Okay, maybe 'relieved' is an understatement. It is only when you realise that education is not compulsory anymore that you begin to cherish it - The same as everything else really.

We don't cherish anything until we've lost it.

So what now? I've heard that polytechnic education much more open than that of a JC education - But of course, I'm not following by ear. Experience ought to be first-hand.


Mum was pretty much supportive - She treats this as a 'last chance'. Everything's a 'last chance' to her though.

Dad still doesn't know.

One step at a time, I suppose - Orientation's in a week, and I can't wait for it already.

Guess I'm in for one hell of a ride.

Donovan did it again @ 1:48 AM

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Personality Disorders

"Finally, something I can truly call myself! Ahahahahaha *snort*."

I've just taken a Personality Disorder test, courtesy from a very lovable source. It's hilarious, I tell you.

The scary thing is that it's highly accurate, at least in my opinion it is.

A series of questions and answers later, and you'll get your disorder with corresponding rating (it ranks from 'Low' to 'Very High' I believe).

I'll insert a short excerpt at the end of each P.D. for your reading convenience. That, and I don't like to steal bandwidth.


Common Personality Disorders

Paranoid: High

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships.

They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant. They usually shift blame to other people and tend to carry long grudges.

Symptoms include:-

Schizoid: Moderate

People with schizoid personality disorder avoid relationships and do not show much emotion. Unlike avoidants, schizoids genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social contact.

Their social skills are often weak and they do not show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived by others as humorless and distant and often are termed "loners."

Symptoms suggest:-

Schizotypal: High

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others.

They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.

Symptoms include:-

Antisocial: High

A common misconception is that antisocial personality disorder refers to people who have poor social skills. The opposite is often the case. Instead, antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of conscience. People with this disorder are prone to criminal behavior, believing that their victims are weak and deserving of being taken advantage of.

Antisocials tend to lie and steal. Often, they are careless with money and take action without thinking about consequences. They are often aggressive and are much more concerned with their own needs than the needs of others.

Symptoms include:-

Borderline: Low

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by mood instability and poor self-image. People with this disorder are prone to constant mood swings and bouts of anger. Often, they will take their anger out on themselves, causing injury to their own body. Suicidal threats and actions are not uncommon.

Borderlines think in very black and white terms and often form intense, conflict-ridden relationships. They are quick to anger when their expectations are not met.

Symptoms include:-

Histrionic: Moderate

People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention.

Histrionics also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.

Symptoms include:-

Narcissistic: Very High

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recongize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend.

Narcissists tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them.

Symptoms comprises of many elements, some being:-

Avoidant: Moderate

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. Avoidants are fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding them.

Often, avoidants will create fantasy worlds to substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidants yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently depressed and have low self-confidence.

Symptoms suggest:-

Dependent: Low

Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of. People with this disorder tend to cling to people and fear losing them. They may become suicidal when a break-up is imminent. They tend to let others make important decisions for them and often jump from relationship to relationship.

Dependents often remain in abusive relationships. Over-sensitivity to disapproval is common. Dependents often feel helpless and depressed.

Symptoms include:-

Obsessive-Compulsive: High

While Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder (OCDP) sounds similar in name to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder, the two are markedly different disorders.

People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards.

They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.

Symptoms suggests:-


Damn, I need help.
P.S. To take your very own test, click here.

Donovan did it again @ 9:06 AM

Every tag keeps this blog alive.
No tag, no post. :o

24th March
Lanky stick
LATIN Dancer
Emcee, Deejay!
Married to Music
Practical Romantic
Theravada Buddhist
Failed Basketballer
Big-ass Teddy Bear

Jack of all Trades
Master of Jack

Rivervale Primary School
Anderson Secondary School
Yishun Junior College
Ngee Ann Polytechnic - FMS

Check him out on Facebook.

To know more about Don, click here .

--The stories here revolve about this certain individual called Donovan. Stories are mostly factual. Just ignore the hyperboles.

-I'm back to being personal.

--Donovan likes waffles and red apples.


--Posts will not be funny.

-Since you're already reading this excerpt, you might as well read through the archives.

--Donovan may be an unreliable narrator.

-Stories might not be factual.

--I'm repeating myself.

-This site is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox and painstakingly rendered to suit IE7. You like?

--Posts are ALWAYS back-dated, if you haven't noticed. It's called PROCRASTINATION.

Men's Best Friend
I'm Sorry You're Stupid
Do Bovine Fecal Matter?

The Night to Remember
Full Circle
Checkpoint Pt. 1
Checkpoint Pt. 2

A Letter to Pamela
A True-Blue Singaporean
An Introduction to Gaming

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
March 2008
April 2008

-Lazing in bed

-Declaring war on pimples

-Scribbling on lecture notes

-Hollering off-note at any and every song

-Swinging a big-ass sword around

-Hoop-after-hoop-after-hoop of basketball

-Taking long walks with Golden

-Smacking rubber plates on DrumMania

-Watching the sun rise while avoiding crabs on the beach

-Sitting in reallllllllly speedy cars

-Doing maths homework

-Bungee Jumping without harnesses

-Jack Johnson- Better Together

--Don McLean- Vincent

-Ragnarok Online- Prontera Theme Song

--DrumMania 9th mix- Mr Bobby

-Ragnarok Online- Streamside

--Do as Infinity- I Am

-Kingdom Hearts 2- Sanctuary

--Laura Pausini-La Solitudine

-David Tao Ze- Pu Tong Peng You

--HowL & J, Princess Hours OST- Perhaps Love

-Pussycat Dolls- Stickwitchu

--Peter Gabriel- Book of Love

-John Rutter- Et Misericordia

Bleeding Dirt Doll
"G-Ster" Geraldine
Jia the Great!
Jing Da
Kenny, Sia!
Mei Gui
Miss Pinkalot
Vanessa the Crab
Zahd La Femme
Zhen Yang

Cyanide and Happiness
Elijah and Azuu
Questionable Content

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